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Wednesday, December 8

Demdike Stare "Voices Of Dust"

It's been a banner year for Demdike Stare's Miles Whittaker and Sean Canty -- 2010 has seen the release of not one, but three separate Demdike Stare records: "Forest of Evil", "Liberation Through Hearing, and the just-released "Voices Of Dust". All three will be compiled for a deluxe 2-cd set entitled "Tryptych", due for release on February 1st. If there's been any better electronic music released this year I haven't heard it -- this is some of the most exciting, forward-thinking music I've listened to in ages; all three of these records manage to surpass the lofty standards set by their brilliant debut "Symbiosis" from last year. Forget "hauntology" and all the cheap buzzwords; this is timeless music that transcends genre boundaries!!!

"Voices of Dust" is available now at saki!!! (Vinyl only.)
"Tryptych" 3xcd available in February.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, agree with these comments - buy it! Meanwhile, you can read a review here:


Be nice!