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Saturday, October 17

Curing Cancer with Carbon, Gold and Steely Dan

My mom's amazing MD Anderson doctor, Steven Curley, will be featured on 60 Minutes tomorrow (Sunday 10/18) talking about his ongoing research into cancer treatment with RF/radio waves and carbon nanoparticles. He told us at mom's appointment that it has cleared every research hurdle so far and is now in the design phase for human-sized versions. Once the FDA approves the design and the machine is built, it will move into further animal studies with large, pig-sized animals.

Check it out and don't forget to set your device to record an extra 60-90 minutes because of the football game!

Here is a link to the preview of the story, which looks like an update on the story they did about two years ago.

Who knew Dr. Curley was also a radio wave expert?!? Mom has complained about hearing strange transmissions ever since her liver surgery in 2004, but we always thought she was just hallucinating! :-)

Here's the webpage
for his research project.

Edit: Here's the link to the full story on the CBS site.

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