In between the (very necessary) detailing of just how horrible the new Lou Reed & Metallica collaboration is, Pitchfork opted to shed some (sun)light, in the form of a 7.7 rating for another duo, 200 Years...Drag City's newest LP & CD from Ben Chasny (Six Organs of Admittance) & Elisa Ambrogio (Magik Markers)...check out the internet at work ~
'The duo is comprised of Six Organs of Admittance's Ben Chasny and Magik Markers' Elisa Ambrogio, and together they draw on the quieter echoes of their other projects to create a charming new hybrid."
"The biggest surprise on 200 Years is Ambrogio and the gentle, almost demure performances that she delivers throughout the album…it is unexpected to hear her sing so softly at such length, with her voice providing a natural foil for Chasny's predominantly acoustic guitars."
"The most impressive aspect of 200 Years, especially considering it as the debut of a new collaboration, is its overall aura of cool confidence. Chasny and Ambrogio are clearly two talented musicians with a wide variety of tools at their disposal, yet to their credit they don't feel the need to try and show every trick at once. Instead they show an innate sense of trust in one another and in this resonant collection of songs, secure in the knowledge that this should be plenty."

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