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Thursday, January 31

The Punch-Up tonight! Amanda Olbrys' opening tomorrow!

Remember the 80's when cyborgs were cops and Bronson Pinchot was a person people liked to see in movies? Join us in making fun of that tonight at Lincoln Hall for The 3 Penny Was Here presents The Punch-Up: Robocop + Beverly Hills Cop! Your host, Joe McAdam, along with Will Miles Bill Cruz, Mike Sheehan and the Puterbaugh Sisters will act as your comedic guides. This show is sponsored by saki and Do312, and it's FREE!

Friday night, saki is celebrating our February artist with the opening reception for Amanda Olbrys' show Balance! Amanda's photographs focus on composition and lighting to explore the relationship between the subject and its surroundings. The square format and soft focus found in many of her photos assists in the study of design and harmony. The Blast Beats will be playing a live set and we'll have drinks from Metropolitan Brewing, as well as the usual snacks! As always, it's FREE and ALL AGES!

Whateverest: Amazing IDM short film

WHATEVEREST from Kristoffer Borgli on Vimeo.

WHATEVEREST is a documentary about the unlikely inspiration behind a dance tune produced by Todd Terje called "Inspector Norse". "Inspector Norse" is the internet alias of Marius Solem Johansen, a failed musician living in a small town, producing dance videos and drug recipes for YouTube.

Directed by Kristoffer Borgli
DoP: Håvard Byrkjeland
Editor: Mikael Svartdahl
Music by Todd Terje
Colorist: Daniel de Vue
Sound design: Daniel Angyal
Produced by Bacon

Vinnie the Intern #35: The Conversation of Album Covers

The question of "does an album cover matter?" tends comes up. To this question, I say"no, it doesn't." While I really appreciate album art it is not the be all, end all for an album.

If I had to choose a favorite album art, it would most likely be a three way tie between OK Computer, Kid A, and Pinkterton. These albums have served as backgrounds, screen savers, and posters. They encapsulate not only the feeling of the album, but the album's aesthetic. 

Radiohead - Kid A (2000)
Weezer - Pinkerton (1996)
Radiohead - OK Computer (1997)

A recent conversation I had with some friends entailed the newest Strokes album, Comedown Machine due out on March 26th on RCA. 
The Strokes - Comedown Machine (March 26th/RCA)
 While not the best cover art, I ask: was this done on purpose to give more of an emphasis on their music or a way to branch out of the fact that they ARE the Strokes? The Strokes must be tired of just being The Strokes. Being around for more than a decade, there have definitely been some preconceived notions with the aura of the band: indifference in vocals, great guitar leads, and a precise yet not flashy rhythm section. They have captured the essence of New York within a couple of great tunes. Still, I believe the album will speak for itself. Plain is not a bad thing in any way when the album has enough power to back it up. We shall see come March.

Wednesday, January 30

New arrivals from Notes & Bolts!

We recently received more stock from Chicago's Notes and Bolts label! We now have tapes and 7"s from Plastic Crimewave, Pink Frost, Chandliers, Verma and White City Rippers! Keep an eye out for some co-released tapes from saki and Notes and Bolts in the coming months as well as more Notes and Bolts release shows at saki!

Thoughts On Amoeba Records' New Orphan Vinyl Digitization Service

Amoeba Music Digitizes, Sells Rare and Out-of-Print Records on Revamped Website


It's the same thing Google does with scanned books. Theoretically, it's only a way to deal with orphan works where the rights are unclear or the rights holder is MIA. Royalties are put into an escrow account on good faith and held in case a rights holder makes a claim.

Of course, it can be left open for abuse.

A similar law in Italy used to be abused by bootleggers. Italy had (has?) an incredibly short copyright duration, so labels could release live recordings from the 60's and early 70's by Zep, Hendrix, etc., put the money in escrow to await a claim, and be completely Italy. Of course the reality was that to make a claim, you first had to know that your record had been released in Italy, and then (pre-Internet) had to track down the dudes releasing it on Mario's Records, or whatever. In addition, the rights were only good for Italy, but the labels knew damn well that assholes like my boss at Kaleidoscope would export the hell out of them, and assholes like me would help pay their rent with commissions on sales of CDs that sounded like they were recorded through the wall of a hotel a block away from the club using a microphone inside of a styrofoam coffee cup.

In Amoeba'a instance, I would assume good faith. They are not releasing "Electric Ladyland" or even "Slanted and Enchanted" here. We're talking about obscure, out of print titles that are available on used vinyl only. Their sales per title will likely be minimal, but the genius part of it is that they've found a niche with zero competition. And they're doing it in a very public way. I think the law is pretty grey on this matter. Will be interesting to watch and I wish any innovative indie well.

DreamHost screws up again. Site down

And again, @DreamHostCare has fucked up our server move and forgotten to change update our DNS. SakistoreDOTnet is down until they do.

Once they fix it, we should avoid the annoying reboots every two days and slowdowns.

Tuesday, January 29

Thursday night @ Lincoln Hall!

saki newsletter 1/29/13!

We need a nap... what a long, but rewarding weekend! We had yet another wildly successful Creative Control on Friday night, Note and Bolts/Epitonic saki Sessions with Coins, Scott Cortez and Pink Frost on Saturday (look out for a N&B/saki record tape release of Scott and Pink Frost's performances in the next few months), in-stores from Mekillerrun and She Speaks In Tongues on Sunday, and THEN we had our very first Off The Record listening party on Monday with Brokeback playing their new LP Brokeback and the Black Rock live and in full! We're some lucky sons de guns over here.

As always, we'll keep it going this weekend, starting with The Punch Up at Lincoln Hall. It's not at saki, but we had a hand in booking the comics who will be making fun of Robo Cop and Beverly Hills Cop! We did this last month (Punching Up Die Hard and Gremlins) and it was a real hoot! It's FREE, it's fun, and it's at Lincoln Hall. See you there!

On Friday we've got the opening reception for Amanda Olbrys' show, Balance with an in-store performance from Blast Beats! As usual, we've got you covered for food and drinks. Just come hang out with us and check out Amanda's lovely photographs!

Next week we have another installment of IMBG: The International Movie Betting Game at Schubas, followed by our next Off The Record listening party with Trouble In Mind Records a few days later! Check out the Facebook events for more info, or wait for next week's newsletter.

A few other reminders:

We've got a few more tickets left to give away for Santah, Carbon Tigers, Audiences and The Kuhls at House of Blues on Friday! All you have to do is purchase a Santah or Carbon Tigers record from saki and they're yours.

Don't forget about our weekly new release sale too! This week we've got Yo La Tengo, Speck Mountain and Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin's Reverse Shark Attack for 20% off!

Our Epitonic saki Session with Father John Misty is up!

... and we've got some great used records for you to check out!

New releases @ saki 1/29/13!

Pink Frost - Sun 7"
Amor De Dias - House at Sea CD and LP
Buke and Gass - General Dome CD and LP
Ducktails - Flower Lane LP
Feeling of Love - La Peur Est Une Illusion: Singles 2006-08 LP
Buke and Gass - General Dome LP
Local Natives - Hummingbird CD and LP
Blind Willie McTell - Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order Vol. 1 LP
Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order Vol. 1 LP
Charley Patton - Complete Recorded Works in Chronological Order Vol. 1 LP
Mice Parade - Candela CD and LP
Yo La Tengo - Fade (standard) LP
Pantha Du Prince & Bell Laboratories - Elements of Light LP
Radar Brothers - Eight LP
Ruby Suns - Christopher LP
Sonny Smith - 100 Records Vol. 3 LP
Suicide - Ghost Riders LP
Tunabunny - Genius Fatigue LP

FREE Bleeding Rainbow 7" with Purchase of 'Yeah Right'

Weekly new release sale @ saki

Each week saki will be offering a handful of new releases for 20% OFF! You can check the blog, Facebook, Twitter, or our newsletter, to find out which titles will be discounted. We'll choose 2-3 titles each week and they'll be discounted for their entire first week of release!

This week we're continuing the sale on Speck Mountain's Badwater LP and Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin's Reverse Shark Attack, and we're adding Yo La Tengo's Fade!

Yo La Tengo - Fade CD or LP

The most direct, personal and cohesive album of their storied career! Recorded with John McEntire at Soma Studios in Chicago, it recalls the sonic innovation of career high points like 1997's I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One and 2000's And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out!

Speck Mountain - Badwater CD or LP

3rd album from Chicago "ambient soul" band. If the band's 1st 2 albums sound like they were recorded underwater, their 3rd finds the band washed ashore onto a dusty, sun-bleached desert. Marie-Claire Balabanian's soulful, breathy vocals heat the record, providing the warm tonal blanket to co-writer Karl Briedrick's swirling, luminous guitars – both swelling together in search of some distant release. Lay down & watch the storm.

Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin - Reverse Shark Attack CD or LP

Reissue of their out-of-print 2009 collaboration. Maybe you didn't know Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin back then, but you better know them now!

Sunday, January 27

"New" Used Records!!!

If you follow the blog at all, you probably are aware that we've had some unusually great used buys as of late. Well, this latest batch of acquisitions is no exception - be sure to stop by and take a look - these are priced to move, and won't be here long!!! Notable pieces include: Flaming Lips & Prefuse 73 EP (ltd. to 2000), Flaming Lips & Neon Indian EP (again ltd. to 2000), Fela & Africa 70 2010 RSD 10", the rather excellent "B-Music Radio Galaxia" comp, and a terrific John Lee Hooker compilation, "Black Snake". Plus lots more!!!!

Delicious Design League show coming down this week!

You've only got a few more days to pick up one of these amazing Delicious Design League prints from saki! The show is coming down later this week to make room for Amanda Olbrys' show Balance (opening this Friday)! Here's a sampling of what you might want to take home...

Today & tomorrow @ saki!

Click on through for Facebook events and more info:

Thursday, January 24

Tara Key Artwork Hits the Web

There are many projects to follow when it comes to Tara Key. As one of our first saki gallery artists, and a member of Carrot Top Records band Antietam, we pay close attention.

Pink Peaks 2011
We are thrilled that some of Tara's works have recently gone up for sale online. These are the works from the "My Other Guitar is a Paintbrush" show at One Mile Gallery in Kingston, NY. "My Other Guitar Is a Paintbrush" highlighted musicians who are also visual artists and included folks like Georgia Hubley (Yo La Tengo), Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth), Rachel Blumberg (The Decemberists), Sue Garner, Grasshopper (Mercury Rev), and Tara Jane O'Neil (Rodan, Retsin). Pretty rad show right there.

Vinnie the Intern #34: Releases I'm Looking Forward To

Here are three albums with spring releases that I am highly anticipating. Of course there are more: AraabMusik's For Professional Use Only, a new Strokes record that hopefully outshines "Angels," Matmos' "The Marriage of True Minds, the new Vampire Weekend due in May, and" Deltron 3030's "Event II," among many others.

Tera Melos - X'ed Out (April 16,2013/Sargent House)
After an already stellar release of the new album by This Town Needs Guns, Sargent House continues their exciting list of 2013 releases with the new Tera Melos album, X'ed Out, due this April. Check out their Bandcamp to listen to their new single "Tropic Lame" and pre-order the album. Check out another song scheduled to be on the album, "Slimed," below.

Born Ruffians - Birthmark (April 16, 2013)
Born Ruffians have just announced their follow up to 2010's Say It. Due out for an April 16th release, all we have to judge is the song "In Her Shadow" released on New Years Day. It is hard to tell the characteristics of the album, but it appears that it will be more mellow and much less sporadic than their EP or two full lengths. This doesn't mean it will by any means be boring as the Born Ruffians have never been synonymous with boring.   

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Mosquito (April 16, 2013)
This March it will have been four years since we've been graced by a Yeah Yeah Yeahs record. A lot has happened in that time. Reportedly, this outing will be a sonically raw album similar to that of Fever to Tell instead of their heavily electronic, expansive last album, It's Blitz. In my opinion, when the Yeah Yeah Yeahs are at their rawest, they are at their most intriguing. Let's hope a single materializes soon.  

Wednesday, January 23

Father John Misty's Epitonic saki Session is up!

It's here! Father John Misty's Epitonic saki Session went up today! Unlike most of the sessions, we weren't allowed to post the audio for free download on Epitonic, but in it's place you get this awesome 34-minute video to commemorate the experience - complete with footage of Jeffertiti's birthday pinata atrocity at the end!

saki DJs do Stax O' Wax TONIGHT!

Our resident DJs, Karl Meier and Ed Post will be spinning records tonight at The Owl for their Wednesday night, Stax O' Wax series featuring local labels and record stores!  

Toro Y Moi guest list w/ purchase!

We've got two pairs of tickets for Toro Y Moi's show at Metro on 2/19 to give away! All you have to do is buy Anything In Return on CD or LP from saki and they're yours!
All gone!

We've also got some Toro Y Moi key fobs and stickers courtesy of Carpark Records!

Tuesday, January 22

saki newsletter 1/22/13!

Here we are again - it's time for the saki newsletter! We just finished up another fun weekend with the opening reception for Delicious Design League's show at saki: Yuck! The opening was a blast! Thanks to Trevor deBrauw for playing, and Upton's Naturals for supplying the tamales. Delicious' prints will be up until the end of the month. Come check them out! Most of the posters are a mere $20 - such a steal! We also had a release party this past weekend for our first saki label release, Santah's You're Still A Lover EP! Big thanks to Barber Greene, Gabe Leibowitz and Grandkids for playing that party, and to the Burlington for letting us DJ all night with Santah. We discovered we're all terrible DJs, but we hope you had fun if you came out! We definitely did.

This Friday we've got Creative Control back for another round! Join us for some awesome standup comedy curated by Joe McAdam, a set from the band Sheep Numbers and some free beer samples from Powell Brew House!

On Saturday, we've got another Notes & Bolts affiliated Epitonic saki Session. This time around we'll have Pink Frost celebrating their new N&B 7" with special guests Scott Cortez (Astrobrite, Loveliescrushing) and Coins! That's going to be a hell of a show. Come by and pick up a copy Pink Frost's new 7" and check out the bands.

On Sunday we've got an in-store with She Speaks In Tongues and MEKILLERRUN. She Speaks In Tongues plays a warped version of blues rock that you'll either find totally weird and awesome, or just weird. Either way, it'll be fun!

Monday... oh, Monday. We can't possibly be more excited about Monday.... we've got the very first installment in a new series sponsored by the Chicago Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events called Off The Record! Each OTR party will feature a new release from a local band or label, with a chance to see or hear that new release in a very unique light. For OTR #1 we've got Douglas McCombs project, Brokeback playing their new record Brokeback and the Black Rock live, followed by DJ sets from Thrill Jockey staffers and food and drinks from Goose Island and Provenance Food & Wine! We've already started sharing details about our OTR party for February, but more on that later. Just know it's going to be a big one...

That's all, folks! Give us a call or shoot us an e-mail if you have any questions or if you just want to tell us what you've been listening to. We like that sort of thing. Don't forget to check out the weekly new release sale below! We've got Speck Moutain, Guided By Voices and the new Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin reissue for 20% off!

New releases @ saki 1/22/13!

Arbouretum - Coming Out Of The Fog CD and LP
At The Drive-In - Vaya 10"
Bell Gardens - Full Sundown Assembly CD and LP
Big Harp - Chain Letters CD and LP
Brokeback - Brokeback and the Black Rock CD and LP
Crystal Ark - S/T LP
Chris Darrow - Artist Proof CD and LP
Alemayehu Eshete - S/T LP
Ex Cops - True Hallucinations LP
Lee Fields - Let's Talk It Over CD and LP
Follakzoid - II CD and LP
Foxygen - We Are The 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace and Magic CD and LP
Frustration - Uncivilized LP
Gliss - Langsom Dans LP
Guided By Voices - Down by the Racetrack CD and 7" EP
The Holydrug Couple - Noctuary LP
Hot Water Music - Live In Chicago CD and LP
Hunx/Cassie Ramone - LAMC Vol. 5 7"
Kesarbai Kerkar - S/T LP 
Lindstrom - Vos-Sako-Rv 12"
Low Culture - Screens LP
Blind Willie McTell - Complete Recorded Works Vol. 1 LP
The Men - Electric 7"
Mississippi Sheiks - Complete Recorded Works Vol. 1 LP
Mountains - Centralia LP
Nightlands - Oak Island CD and LP
Nosaj Thing - Home CD and LP
Om - Advaitic Songs and God Is Good cassettes
Ra Ra Riot - Beta Love CD
Rev. Louis Overstreet - There Is No Future In Gaining The World And Losing Your Soul 7"
Charley Patton - Complete Recorded Works Vol. 1 LP
Pia Fraus - Silmi Island LP
Alasdair Roberts & Friends - A Wonder Working Stone CD and LP
Ty Segall - Would You Be My Love 7"
Ty Segall & Mikal Cronin - Reverse Shark Attack CD and LP
The Sleepers - Painless Nights LP
Speck Mountain - Badwater CD and LP
Stars of the Lid - The Ballasted Orchestra LP
Sweet Talk - Pickup Lines CD and LP
Toro Y Moi - Anything In Return CD and LP
The Traditional Fools - S/T CD and LP (early Ty Segall project)
Kurt Vile & The Violators - Hunchback 12" EP
The Walkmen - Bows and Arrows LP
V/A - Laila Je T'Aime: Guitar Music from the Western Sahel LP
V/A - Music from Saharan Cellphones Vol. 2 LP
V/A - Pop Ambient 2013 LP
V/A - Rocket Infinity: The Global Rise of Rocking Music 1942-62 10"
V/A - Scattered Melodies: Korean Kayagum Sanjo LP

Weekly new release sale @ saki!

Each week saki will be offering a handful of new releases for 20% OFF! You can check the blog, Facebook, Twitter, or our newsletter, to find out which titles will be discounted. We'll choose 2-3 titles each week and they'll be discounted for their entire first week of release!

This week we've got Speck Mountain's Badwater LP, Lindstrom's latest 12" and the new EP from Guided By Voices for 20% off!

Speck Mountain - Badwater CD or LP

3rd album from Chicago "ambient soul" band. If the band's 1st 2 albums sound like they were recorded underwater, their 3rd finds the band washed ashore onto a dusty, sun-bleached desert. Marie-Claire Balabanian's soulful, breathy vocals heat the record, providing the warm tonal blanket to co-writer Karl Briedrick's swirling, luminous guitars – both swelling together in search of some distant release. Lay down & watch the storm.

Ty Segall & Mikal Cronin - Reverse Shark Attack CD or LP

Reissue of their out-of-print 2009 collaboration. Maybe you didn't know Ty Segall and Mikal Cronin back then, but you better know them now!

Guided By Voices - Down By The Racetrack CD or 7" EP

This 6-song EP is the opening shot of GBV's extended 2013 campaign. Expect more to come... a lot more.

RECAP: Pitchfork Mystical Weapons 7.0

Mystical Weapons (the super-duo comprised of Sean Lennon and Greg Saunier of Deerhoof) have received a 7.0 review on Pitchfork for their self-titled LP/CD on Chimera Music.

Do tell, Pitchfork!

"It's a 36-minute set of proggy instrumental improvisations that's fairly accessible as these things go, but certainly not the kind of thing anyone would have expected from the guy who did 'Parachute' and "Dead Meat'"...Most of the pieces are short -- nearly half are under two minutes-- and they range quite a bit in tone and feel. The most immediately gripping is 'Colony Collapse Disorder', an airy track with swelling keyboards that sounds a little like it could've been recorded in Germany in 1972. Saunier's drumming brings to mind the lose-the-groove approach of U.S. Maple, backing away every time it approaches a steady pulse. While this piece is moody and highly charged, others are sketchier or outright chaotic. 'Gross Domestic Happiness' begins agreeably, but by the time you get four minutes in, it's a screaming vortex of guitar noise, clattering percussion, and evil synthesizer."

CALIFONE "Sometimes Good Weather Follows Bad People" Pitchfork 8.0

In the Better Late Than Never Department....

Pitchfork has awarded Califone's Sometimes Good Weather Follows Bad People 2xLP on Jealous Butcher an 8.0 review.  This release was originally issued on CD on Perishable, and was reissued with 4 extra unreleased tracks back in late 2012.

See what the kids playing catch-up at Pitchfork had to say ~

"Rutili and co. were up to something special in the final years of the 20th century. They took sonic inspiration from ancient folk 78s and Jamaican dub, along with songwriting and arrangement inspiration from Tom Waits, and came up with a fresh and affecting music that ranged from ethereal slowcore to blistering noise. In comparison to late Red Red Meat, Califone was a little quieter, a little prettier, and a little wearier. The highlights on the EPs are delicate ballads like the steel drum-inflected 'Silvermine Pictures' and the gorgeous piano-led 'Electric Fence', but spikier cuts like 'To Hush a Sick Transmission' and 'Dock Boggs' showed how they integrated clangy percussion and electronics into the mix. The rawness of this early material still resonates."

Monday, January 21

Release Week Hype for Speck Mountain "Badwater"

Speck Mountain's album Badwater is released tomorrow, January 22, on Carrot Top Records!! People are pretty psyched on it this week. Stream the full record at Impose.

You can come buy it at saki, or order it from Carrot Top.

Here's what folks are saying so far this week!

PopMatters - Badwater album review
“The mix of Americana dust and dream-pop gauze has never sounded this strong.”
“Balabanian’s voice ripples out in massive space over swaying guitars. on Flares or drifts over melting guitar tones on Young Eyes, and yet – while both haunt – they also feel rooted on terra firma. As does the rest of this record.”
“There’s a surprising breadth to Badwater, and a surprising energy for an album happy to wander, to drift, to sneak up on you.”

Impose Magazine - Badwater exclusive premiere! Stream the full album.
"Captivating the hearts and emotions of the music listening populous as of late has been the heavy slow drift of their single, Slow So Long.”
“The album’s bad weather gazing curtain call serves as both Badwater’s centerpiece and raison d’être that encapsulates the entire album in one song alone.”

Magnet - B-Side Run Honey Run premiere

Piccadilly Records (UK) - record of the week
“Speck Mountain’s debut LP made a huge impact at Piccadilly, now here comes their third installment of melancholy loveliness.”

The Girls Are (UK) - Badwater review
“Floats from your speakers in a dizzy haze and presents twilight mysticism and a chilled out atmosphere with every glittering note that penetrates the soundscape.”
“[Speck Mountain] has moulded a wonderful album that’s sophisticated gourmet music that’s been marinated in history’s technology that adds dense textures that sink into each other and creates a glorious nostalgia that course through the entire album.”
“I absolutely adore listening to music that’s been created through analogue techniques, I feel a sense of warmth and passion is injected into the music, which you tend to lose through digital methods”

White Board Project (UK) - Albums Round Up
“Balabanian’s voice grounds us in the bluesy-smoky Chicagoan landscape of the rest of the album, rather than the social topography os 80s Manchester.”
Badwater is a pleasant and cohesive body of work.”

Dots and Dashes (UK)  - Badwater review
"Badwater is…a breathtaking release that's as coherent as a whole as it is compelling in its every component"
"The acute time at which melancholia meets majesty, and is the enchanting sound of a band ever ascending toward the peak of their combined powers."

Seen Heard Known - Badwater review
“Speck Mountain makes one hell of an album.”
“Really brings it on this album with tight guitar riffs and a confident sound that cuts through the sweet haze.”
“Badwater is so good.”

Friday, January 18

For all you MC5 fans out there...

Just acquired this unusual live document of the MC5 on vinyl - from the Sturgis Armory 6/27/68 - which features (of all things) a James Brown medley! Of course, it also has "Kick Out The Jams" and "Black To Comm" and a whole lot more besides. This is in mint condition, is quite rare, and probably won't last long - come to saki this weekend and pick it up - it's in the used section...

Thursday, January 17

Vinnie the Intern #33: Some New Exciting Releases

After a nice winter break, Vinnie the Intern has made his triumphant return! 

Also note that if you have liked any of my past blogs, I have set up a blog site, Rascuache Ricochet.  I try to write every weekday so check it out every now and again if you'd like!

During my break, quite a bit has happened. On a sad note, PRO ERA confidant, Capital STEEZ, passed away on December 24 after a grim final tweet that simply stated "The end." It is believed he committed suicide. Below, check out one of the highlights from his mix-tape Amerikkka's Korruption, "Free the Robots." 

Joey Bada$$ - Unorthodox - Single
Keeping up with PRO ERA: King of the revitalization of the boom-bap, Joey Bada$$, has since release a new song "Unorthodox" produced by DJ Premier. Check it out on his Soundcloud. Ironically, it is one of his more orthodox songs he has released featuring a somewhat sing-song, catchy chorus and confident statement "won't sign to no major, if no wager less than the three mill..." 

Toro y Moi - Anything in Return (January 22/Carpark)
Towards the end of last year, Toro y Moi released "So Many Details." A song that blended several of his musical pursuits together in an impressive fashion. This week, we are able to stream his new album, Anything in Return on Pitchfork. The album features much more vocal cut-ups and "yeahs" in the distance but treads a lot of familiar territory which fans of his previous work should appreciate  Instrumentals are lush and full and his vocals are well performed and well written. 
Some immediate standouts: "So Many Details," "Rose Quartz," and "Harm in Change."

Iceage - You're Nothing (February 19th/Matador)
Iceage has returned to the scene after signing to label, Matador Records. They have not lost the spark or angst that was present on their debut, 2011's New Brigade. Check out their new song "Coalition" on their Soundcloud which is set to be on their new album, the snidely titled, You're Nothing

This Town Needs Guns - (January 22/Sargent House)
Lastly, This Town Needs Guns' new album,, is available to stream on PureVolume. Fans of Minus the Bear's Highly Refined Pirates should feel at home on this release. These interesting, angular yet accessible instrumentals and new vocalist show that the band has not lost their luster, but yet have released their most compelling set of songs to date.
Some immediate standouts: "Cat Fantastic," "I'll Take the Minute Snake," and "Havoc in the Forum." 

Wednesday, January 16

Yuck! window piece at saki, opening reception Friday at 6!

Delicious Design League put up this amazing window piece for their show, Yuck! The opening reception is this Friday at 6pm! Join us for snacks from Upton's Naturals, drinks from saki, a live set from Trevor de Brauw (of Pelican and Chord), and of course, amazing screen prints from Delicious Design League!

Trouble in Mind brunchtime listening party featuring Mikal Cronin!

We're happy to announce the second edition of Off The Record, a new music series we're producing in conjunction with the City of Chicago's Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events (DCASE).

In celebration of the release of two new releases on the great Trouble in Mind Records, Jacco Gardner's Cabinet of Curiosities and Shadows by Maston, we're hosting a Brunchtime listening party, with snacks provided by Bang Bang Pie Shop, brunch drinks from 312 Urban Wheat Ale, and a special musical performance from Trouble in Mind/Merge Records recording artist Mikal Cronin!

The party is totally free and open to all ages, things kick off on Sunday, February 10th at 11am, with a schedule (that we'll strictly adhere to due to Mr. Cronin's touring constraints) that looks like this:

11:00am Listen to Shadows by Maston and enjoy brunch beverages
11:30am Performance from Mikal Cronin
12:00pm Listen to Cabinet of Curiosities by Jacco Gardner and enjoy brunch beverages and treats from Bang Bang Pie Shop

Maston performs "Glyphs" live in LA

The music video for Jacco Gardner's first single, "Clear The Air" from his debut LP!

Mikal Cronin's "Get Along" from his S/T LP!

Real classy, Amazon!

Order your records off of amazon and they might show up like this!

Yes, that's a record with a UPS sticker pasted directly onto the jacket - no sleeve, no box, no nothing.

And people ask why we still need record stores...

Tuesday, January 15

New Releases @ saki 1/15/13!

Cave Dwellers - Run Around 2x7"
Sean Lennon - Alter Egos (OST) CD and LP
Mystical Weapons - S/T CD and LP
The National - Virginia 12" EP
Christopher Owens - Lysandre CD and LP
Parquet Courts - Light Up Gold CD and LP
Pretty - Mustache In Your Face CD and LP
Marcos Valle - S/T CD and LP
Marcos Valle - Garra CD and LP
Wicked Lester - You Are Doomed 2x7"
Yo La Tengo - Fade CD and deluxe LP (regular LP delayed to 1/29)

Weekly New Release Sale @ saki!

Each week saki will be offering a handful of new releases for 20% OFF! You can check the blog, Facebook, Twitter, or our newsletter, to find out which titles will be discounted. We'll choose 2-3 titles each week and they'll be discounted for their entire first week of release!

This week we're offering the reissue of Crazy Horse's 1971 debut, Sean Lennon's score for the film "Alter Egos" and all three of Numero Group's new double 7" sets for 20% off!

Crazy Horse - S/T LP

Reissue of the long out of print classic debut from Neil Young's backing band! Originally released in 1971. Features Danny Whitten, Ralph Molina, Billy Talbot, with Jack Nitzche & Nilz Lofgren. Cut from the original analog masters on 180gr vinyl!
Sean Lennon - Alter Egos (OST) CD or LP

Sweeping orchestral arrangements, surf guitar, epic superhero themes & a touch of eerie that recalls "Twin Peaks". All of these diverse elements blend seamlessly together on Sean Lennon's "Alter Egos" film score. Lennon acts as both composer & performer on the 20 song soundtrack. Miho Hatori (CIBO MATTO, GORILLAZ) lends her voice talents herein on a few tracks.


Pretty: Mustache In Your Face, Cave Dwellers: Run Around, and Wicked Lester: You Are Doomed double 7" sets from Numero Group

A trio of primo late-60's to late-70's psych, punk, and garage rock, all hailing from, or recorded somewhere in the Midwest. Has the Numero Group ever done your wrong, folks? The answer is NO. Snag all three of these!

saki newsletter 1/15/13!

Allo', allo', allo'! We'd like to thank everyone who came out this weekend. It was truly a special one for us. A special thanks goes to Mike Lebovitz, Junior Stopka, and all the comics who performed for Senorita Weiner's Top Secret Humor Experiment and Ice Cream Social Club, Notes and Bolts, Chandeliers, Deep Sleep, Zelienople and Pillars and Tongues! Everyone was so awesome. We haven't had that much fun at work in a while!

We're already gearing up for another great weekend starting Friday with the opening reception for Delicious Design League's show, Yuck! In addition to DDL's amazing screen prints on display, we'll have a performance from Trevor de Brauw (Pelican, Chord) and treats from saki and Upton's Naturals!

On Saturday, we'll be celebrating the first release on saki's new record label, Santah's You're Still A Lover 12" vinyl EP. Santah has put together a great lineup of bands, including Grandkids, Barber Greene, and Gabe Liebowitz of Dastardly. We'll also have some food and drinks. It'll be like an art opening, but with more bands!

Of course, there's always more to come at saki. Just keep checking the events listings on the blog, facebook, or here on this newsletter and we'll keep you in the know! There's some REALLY special stuff coming up at the end of January into February...

Upcoming events:

Friday, January 18th @ 6pm
Opening reception of 'Yuck' Screen-printed works of Delicious Design League!

Saturday, January 19th @ 6pm
Santah 'You're Still A Lover' record release party feat. Grandkids, Gabe from Dastardly & Barber Greene!
Followed by DJ sets from saki & members of Santah at The Burlington!

Friday, January 25th @ 8pm
Creative Control w/ Joe McAdam!

Saturday, January 26th @ 4pm
Notes & Bolts presents: an Epitonic saki Session w/ Pink Frost!

Sunday, January 27th @ 3pm
In-store w/ She Speaks In Tongues and MEKILLERRUN!

Monday, January 28th @ 7pm
Off The Record: a listening party w/ Brokeback!
A celebration of Brokeback's new record 'Brokeback & the Black Rock!'

Thursday, January 31st, 7pm @ Lincoln Hall
saki presents: The Punch Up feat. Robocop & Beverly Hills Cop!

Thursday, February 7th, 8pm @ Schubas
IMBG: The International Movie Betting Game returns!

Monday, January 14

Recent used LP arrivals!

We're putting some pretty awesome stuff out in the used rack tonight! Pictured is Method Man and Redman, Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros, Minutemen, Mikal Cronin, Eddie Lee Jones & Family (Mississippi Records), and Descendents, but we've also got some titles from Man or Astro-Man?, Panabrite, Ultralyd, Fats Domino, Boyd Rivers, Bonnie 'Prince' Billy, Jim O'Rourke, Explosions In The Sky, A Certain Ratio, Rural Alberta Advantage, Daily Void, Portishead, Destroyer, Biz Markie, and yes, even some Whitney Houston.

These records are great with children and pets. They need a good home! Will you be their hero?

Sunday, January 13

Yo La Tengo "Fakebook" (used) LP!

Woah! Kind of excited to throw this one out there. Probably won't last long... someone come grab it!
SOLD! Told you it wouldn't last long!
New Yo La Tengo is out on Tuesday, but only the deluxe version. Regular LPs were delayed and should arrive before 1/29!